Forum: Announcements
Forums / Announcements / Update - 6 August 2009 - v0.6.9
Subject: | Update - 6 August 2009 - v0.6.9 | |
Stephen 19:44 Location: Phone Model: | v0.6.9 released MAJOR CHANGES - TMJ-Mobile now has a free 'Basic' version and Subscription-based 'Full' version. See the previous announcement and the upgrade page for more details. - BlackBerry compatibility improvements. Whilst some functions on older BlackBerrys still remain a little slow, use on the newer more powerful models (8900,9000, etc) is much improved. The BlackBerry app is signed, which should remove most 'permissions' prompts. The BlackBerry Back key is now mapped to the context menu, similar to the TMJ behaviour on other phones (admittedly a little non-standard for BlackBerrys, but I've found it works quite well). The BlackBerry Backlight can now be kept on, and the keylock function uses the standard phone locking functions. For BlackBerrys with a camera this can now be started directly from TMJ (recent BlackBerrys with Internal GPS can automatically Geo-Tag their photos so the TMJ geotagging functions are un-necessary) ![]() (Full screen resolution from BB8900) - Rendering Improvements to 2D Vector Maps - these are now drawn onto a separate 'backbuffer' in the background, resulting in more responsive scrolling, and less processing overhead (they are now only rendered when necessary, rather than constantly every second or more). Road outlines now connect properly, bridges and tunnels are better defined, and a road can now be selected by hovering anywhere along its length. The current/nearest roadname can now be constantly displayed on the Plan and Navigation views for quick reference. OTHER CHANGES - Vector Map POI Gazetteer now split into Waypoint Type. Faster alphabetic sorting of POIs and Street names (it now sorts in the backgound so the initial menu display seems more responsive). - Track recording pauses for a few seconds whever the GPS loses its fix to allow the device a little time to get an improved fix (should help to reduce the spikiness that can occur in poorer signal areas). - Added further shortcuts for customising phones keys (up to 12 now), added Backlight On/Off shortcut. - Rearranged Settings menu to move some options to more appropriate screens, eg Web Transmit Interval in now in Web Menu, Internal GPS settings are now in GPS/Options menu, etc. (I hope this will make a bit more sense - I'm aware that there are *lots* of menus and it can be difficult to remember where an option is!) - Downloading a route (both the CloudMade Auto-Routing and the Pre-Made Routes on the website) now includes Altitude data, giving the 'Ascent/Descent' remaining in the route, and also shows on the Altitude graph. - The Route Line can now turned on/off separately from the Track line. (Plan Context Menu/View Options/Show Route) - View Coordinates option now also gives current solar information at the given location. - Higher resolution icons (currently BlackBerry version only) for phones with screens larger than 320x320 pixels (eg BlackBerry Curve 8900, Bold). - Fixed various GPX/CSV route/track export bugs. - New option: Tools/Location/Track Report give a text report of the current track status (eg Section Lengths, Timings, etc). Can also be exported via the File menu. - (Hopefully) made more improvments to the reliability/stability of the Tools/Waypoint Tools/Proximity Alert functions. - Added 'Gradient' options to Settings/Units page, to display as an Angle, Percentage or Ratio. - New (experimental) option: Menu/Settings/Debug/Load and Save Settings to Backup to enable settings to be quickly restored in the event of a crash. - New (experimental) option: Menu/Settings/Debug/Map Cache Folder. For phones that allow global read/write access to the memory card (eg BlackBerry, Sony Ericsson JP8) this stores the map cache as plain files on the memory card, which allows for an effectively unlimited cache size. Plus lots of other minor tweaks and bug fixes. See the User Guide for usage of the new options... Cheers! Stephen | |
yano 9:57 Location: Phone Model: | Hi Stephen! I've downloaded and installed your last (full) version and tested a bit over the weekend (driving and cycling activities, trekking will follow next month :)). It works like a charm! Well done! ;) Thank you for having implemented all the suggestions and the bug fixes! Your work and support are very much appreciated! Cheers, yano PS: all the best for your brand new TMJ Company! ;) | |
Stephen 10:47 Location: Phone Model: | Cheers Yano, glad its working well!! | |
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